Make money online

Make money online

Read the blog posts in this category or visit the other areas of this website to find out how to make money online and boost your monthly income, by re-selling specialist wholesale health supplements with our labels or your own personalised branding (private labels)!

With no minimum orders, minimal financial outlay, no monthly contracts or hidden fees, and great profit margins, it is so easy to set-up your own home business, get trading online and start earning extra income. We even create turnkey e-commerce websites and dropship too!

Posted by in Make money online on June 26, 2014 .

Earn extra money selling supplements

If you are looking to earn extra money, or start a new part-time or even full-time business at home or online, we have a fantastic income opportunity and...

Posted by in Start a business, Make money online on April 28, 2014 .

Sell health foods and supplements

Specialist Supplements Ltd has everything you need to start your own business re-selling wholesale vitamins, minerals, health foods and dietary supplements....

Posted by in Make money online on April 14, 2014 .

We all know that times have been tough over the past few years with the economic downturn but, for a number of reasons, the supplements industry has thankfully been one of the few that has continued...

Posted by in Make money online on April 10, 2014 .

The idea

We've all done it - daydreamed about being our own boss and running our own little business from home, particularly when having that really bad day at work! The trouble is, thinking of...

Posted by in Start a business, Own Label Supplements, Make money online on March 21, 2014 .

Launch your own range of protein powders and supplements in a matter of days - NO MINIMUM ORDER REQUIREMENTS!

Welcome to Specialist Supplements Ltd - one of the UK's premier suppliers and...

Wholesale supplements

We are one of the UK's leading suppliers of high quality wholesale supplements, health foods, food-based powders, herbal formulations, vitamins and minerals.


Posted by in Start a business, Marketing and SEO, Make money online on February 10, 2014 .

Most re-sellers of our wholesale supplements choose to sell either online via their business website, or directly to their customers from a shop or clinic (or both). Whilst these are certainly...

Posted by in Start a business, Make money online on February 03, 2014 .

A great idea to earn extra income!

A bit of extra cash always comes in handy, but it's not always that easy to come up with a viable idea to earn extra income on a regular basis - particularly one...