Multi-Channel Order Import System (MCOIS)

Easy order import system for multiple dropship order per day


Upload multiple orders for dropshipping from your sales channels

Our Multi-Channel Order Import System (MCOIS) is the perfect solution for busy re-sellers! It takes the time-consuming work out of placing multiple orders with us for dropshipping.

This time-saving system means you no longer have to manually place individual orders each time. For busy dropshippers placing in excess of 8-10 orders per day, simply upload all of your orders from multiple sales channels (such as Amazon, eBay, your website and more) using a .csv file.


DROPship Orders Assistant Software

Click here to download our FREE desktop software*, which helps you to quickly and easily convert your exported orders file into the correct format and then create a .csv file ready to upload to our MCOIS.

This is perfect if you use Shopify, Wix, Amazon, eBay or any other platform that allows you to export orders. Simply download your orders from your platform, open the software and then follow the steps.

*Compatible with Windows only. We will not be creating a Mac version.


Dropship order import systemUpload and pay for multiple orders in one go

Import your Amazon, eBay and website orders for dropshippingImport your Amazon, eBay, website and other orders

Use our free software to prepare your orders file

Eliminate manual order errorsEliminate manual address errors

Avoid ordering errorsAvoid ordering incorrect products or quantities

Cut order processing timeSlash order processing time!


How Multi-Channel Order Imports works How it works


1. You receive and download your orders

You receive orders from your sales channel(s) - whether it’s Amazon, eBay, your website etc. You then download them as a .csv file.

Click here to download our DROPship Orders Assistant Software, which helps you to convert your exported orders file into the correct format ready to upload.

Download your orders

2. You upload your orders

You log into our website, and visit 'Upload orders via MCOIS' under Get Shopping in the top menu bar. You then upload your orders.

Upload your orders for dropshipping

3. Make one payment for all orders!

You can then review and pay for all of the orders in one go! Once your orders are imported, you are automatically charged our trade prices. No repetitive ordering, no mistakes, no time-wasting! It’s fast and as simple as that.

Make payment for your orders


How much does it cost? How much does it cost?

The MCOIS is a FREE service.


Get started with multiple dropship orders How to get started

If you are not yet a trade customer, please first register.

Once you have access to the trade area, you can use the system for FREE.

Any questions? You can view the help guide by clicking here. If you have any questions about the MCOIS, which aren’t answered on this page or in the help guide, contact us.