Membership FAQs
If you are not able to find an answer to a membership query you have, please contact us.
After you have purchased Trade Member PLUS, we will be in touch to set up your monthly debits and activate your membership.
Frequently Asked Questions - Trade Member PLUS (TMP)
What is Trade Member PLUS?
Trade Member PLUS is an optional membership scheme, which is available to all trade customers. As part of the scheme, we provide you with exclusive discounts, reward points, tools and resources - all designed to save you time and money, help increase sales and boost your income for just a small monthly fee. Click here for more information.
What is included in the membership?
For full detail of what is included, please see the product page here. A summary is set out below.
- 17% off all product orders.
Please note: this discount will not be applied in addition to any existing discount you have.
- 4 articles per month automatically posted your website blog, at a rate of 1 article per week (for a maximum period of a year). This service is subject to platform compatibility and may involve setup costs. Click here to find out more about how the Articles AUTO-Submitter works (including as to platforms).
- An exclusive and unlimited 25% off marketing services.
Please note: the discount cannot be used against website or Own Label setup purchases.
- Use of the Multi-Channel Order Import System. Click here to find out more about the system.
- Personalised delivery notes and order messages for dropship orders. Click here to find out more about the system.
How much does it cost?
To join Trade Member PLUS, it costs:
- £18.50 (+VAT for UK and EU customers) per month if you opt to purchase 6 months' membership in advance; or
- if you opt to purchase 12 months' membership in advance, you will get 2 months' membership free (the equivalent of £15.85 per month).
Click here to view options and join.
Do I have to join?
NO. This is an optional membership scheme. If you do not wish to join, you can simply register with us as a trade customer for free.
Why should I join?
Trade Member PLUS offers you incredible value for money - you get all of the benefits listed above for just £18.50 per month, which is essentially paid off when you place orders for ONLY around £100 in a month! The question is, can you afford not to join?!
The tools, resources and discounts included in this membership scheme are specifically designed to save you time and money, help increase sales and boost your income. How?
As mentioned above, you immediately get access to the highest tier of our scaled discount structure, which would normally only be available to bulk orderers buying products worth £900 or more (before VAT). This a major benefit for all trade customers, but particularly dropshippers (who tend to purchase products in much smaller quantities, e.g. one or two pots at a time). For this small monthly fee, you save 17% on every order irrespective of order size and value.
The product discount helps to increase your profit margins and assist cash flow, making it easier to make a success of your supplements venture.
The other discounts, tools and resources available to you through TMP can help to get new customers to your website, retain existing customers and make it easier for you to actively market your products and services on a regular basis. These are all also essential components of any successful business strategy - but they can be expensive and time-consuming. For example, not everybody has the time, inclination or expertise to write relevant, high quality content for their website, but this is essential for a high-ranking site with good traffic. With the Articles AUTO-Submitter service, new, relevant and regular web page content for your blogs is taken care of. A huge time-saver!
Similarly, many businesses (particularly start-ups and smaller ventures) find that they have limited cash flow and therefore a relatively small marketing budget, and advertising costs (such as for AdWords) can reach into the thousands. The unlimited 25% off marketing discount and personalised delivery notes / order messages make it easier for you to create regular marketing campaigns and enable direct after-sales contact at a very low price, helping you to create a 'buzz' about your products and services, boost sales and promote reorders.
And finally, the order upload system (MCOIS) helps to keep your order processing time to a minimum, reduces the margin for errors and leaves you free to focus less on admin and more on core, income-generating activities.
Together, a winning combination at a knock-down price!
How do I join?
It’s easy! All you need to do is log in to your account and purchase the option that best suits you from the product page. We will then set up all the benefits for you.
How will I receive my 17% off product purchases?
When you join TMP, you will be added to a special customer group so that this discount is automatically applied to your product purchases at checkout.
Do I receive reward points?
This option is no longer included in TMP (as of 2nd September 2020) - instead we have increased the product discount from 15% to 17%, which gives the same amount of discount (as reward points equated to a 2% discount).
How will I receive my articles and marketing discount code?
If you wish to start using the Articles AUTO-Submitter, please contact us as we will need to set this up for you (including checking compatibility with your website).
Once the Articles AUTO-Submitter service has been set up to work with your website, the articles will automatically be posted to your blog at a rate of 1 article per week.
You will receive the marketing discount code by email. Therefore, please ensure that we always have your correct and up-to-date email address and do not unsubscribe from our emails.
How do I start using the Multi-Channel Order Import System?
If you wish to start using the MCOIS, please contact us as we will need to activate this for you.
How do I start using the personalised delivery notes and order messages service?
Please contact us, as we will need to activate this for you. Please note: this service only applies to dropshippers.
How do I unsubscribe?
You will automatically be unsubscribed from TMP at the end of your membership purchase period. You can extend your TMP by simply signing up again.
What are your Trade Member PLUS terms and conditions?
Click here to view.